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edge filters

tags: edge filters canny sobel
categories: image processing

  • Criteria for a good edge detector
    • Good detection
      • find all real edges, ignoring noise or other artifacts
    • Good Localization
      • detect edges as close as possible to true edges
    • Single Response
      • return one point only for each true edge point
from skimage.filters import roberts, sobel, scharr, prewitt, farid
roberts_img = roberts(img)
sobel_img = sobel(img)
scharr_img = scharr(img)
prewitt_img = prewitt(img)
farid_img = farid(img)

Robert, Scharr, Prewitt, Farid

Figure 1: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

Figure 1: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

  • The x-coordinate in figure ref:edge-filter-kernel is defined as increasing in the “right”-direction, and the y-coordinate is defined as increasing in the “down”-direction. At each point in the image, the resulting gradient approximations can be combined to give the gradient magnitude, using: [wikipedia]

    \( {M} = \sqrt{ ({M}_{x})^{2} + ({M}_{y})^{2}} \)

  • Using this information, we can also calculate the gradient’s direction(orientation):

    \( \Theta = \arctan{\frac{M_{y}}{M_{x}}} \)

where, for example, \(\Theta\) is 0 for a vertical edge which is lighter on the right side.


  • Computes the image gradient in the x direction
Figure 2: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

Figure 2: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

  • Computes the image gradient in the y direction

Canny edge


  • Smooth image (only want “real” edges, not noise)
  • Calculate gradient direction and magnitude
  • Non-maximum suppression perpendicular to edge
    • check if pixel is local maximum along gradient problem
  • Threshold into strong, weak, no edge
    • Define two thresholds: low and high
    • hysteresis:
      • Use the high threshold to start edge curves and the low threshold to continue them
    • if gradient at pixel > ‘High’ = ’edge pixel’
    • if gradient at pixel < ‘Low’ = ’non edge pixel’
    • if gradient at pixel >= ‘Low’ and <= ‘High’ = ’edge pixel’ iff,
      • it is connected to an ’edge pixel’ directly or via pixels between ‘Low’ and ‘High’
  • Connect together components
  • Tunable: Sigma, thresholds
  • Canny edge pipeline
Figure 3: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

Figure 3: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

  • Effect of \(\sigma\) in Cannyu Edge Detector
    • The choice of σ (Gaussian kernel spread/size) depends on desired behavior
      • large σ detects large-scale edges
      • small σ detects fine edges
Figure 4: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

Figure 4: from nptel [IIT Madras] CV lecture slide Week 2 part 1

Python implementation

canny_edge = cv2.Canny(img, 50, 80)
# auto canny
sigma = 0.3
median = np.median(img)
lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * median))
upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * median))
auto_canny = cv2.Canny(img, lower, upper)

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