image segmentation
Machine Learning
- references:
- questions :
Types of image segmentation
Semantic segmentation
Instance segmentation
Apporaches for segmentation
Using Classical Approach
Histogram Based Segmentation
Random Walker Segmentation
Watershed Segmentation
Graph based segmentation
- </home/felladog/Downloads/CV_Nptel/W2/DL4CV_Week02_Part05.pdf>
Using Unsupervised Approach
Gaussian Mixture Model
Kmeans Clustering
Using Deep Learning
Image Segmentation Loss/Evaluation Method
- Problem with other common metrics
- We need metrics that target pixels in foreground
Intersection over union (Jaccard index)
Overall accuracy is not a good metric for semantic segmentation, especially for imbalanced dataset
IOU = \(\frac{Intersection}{Union}\)
= \(\frac{\sum{\hat{y}*y}} {\sum{\hat{y} + y - \hat{y} * y}}\)
= \(\frac{TP}{TP + FP + FN}\)
Dice Score
- Easy to differentiate
- For Image = \(\frac{2*\sum{\hat{y}*y}} {\sum{\hat{y} + y}}\)
- priortise both precision and recall equally
- Loss = 1 - Dice
IOU vs Dice Score
IoU metric tends to penalize single instances of bad classification more than the F1/Dice score quantitatively even when they can both agree that this one instance is bad.1