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blog using org and hugo

tags: blog org-mode org-roam hugo
categories: workflow

I have made a base site using hugo static generator. The posts are written with org-mode. The plugin `ox-hugo` converts the org file to markdown and places it to the posts folder of the hugo site folder. I have also used roam capture template so that the placeholder for tags and categories are predefined in new org files. The placeholder includes roam_tags, hugo_tags, hugo_categories, HUGO_BASE_DIR path

Things i need to add

  • There is problem in site rendering when a org file is linked to a org file which has not been exported to markdown. I might not export all my notes to markdown because they might not be publishable. [Fixed]
  • Comment or link for creating issue in my blogs repo. [Added link to create issues]
  • Add biblography

My ulitmate plan

  • has biblography
  • table of content in right, I have Added it but need to make fix the design

Org id export problem